Sunday, September 30, 2012

Double Eyelids and Double Ds

Beauty.  It's something that humans are fixated on, but define differently.  In this post, I'll limit my thoughts to female beauty standards: an endlessly fascinating topic for my brain to muse over.  Mostly for the reason that on the one hand, female beauty can be so easily pigeon-holed by social and cultural norms but on the other, preferences can vary wildly from one individual to another.  The ideal beauty for one person might be a tall, fit, ginger Brit while for another it's a short, solid, spunky blonde.  Looking sexy and risque is also done differently in different places.  I've never seen as many mini mini mini skirts and short shorts as here in South Korea, but that's acceptable and not considered overly immodest.  However, to show bare skin of the shoulders, back or chest is quite rare.  Tank tops, even on the hottest of hot days, are not found.  I dated a guy once from Uganda who told me they couldn't care less about breasts and that legs were the ideal body part, but as such they were generally covered up.  Back home....well, the sky's the limit.  You wanna dress sexy, you can show top body skin, lower body skin, or even side body skin and call it good.  'Merica.

Double eyelid surgery before and after
Here in Korea, I have recently found out about something called a "double eyelid" that is one of their standards of beauty.  Basically, it is the visible crease above the bottom of your top lid when your eyes are open.  I had never even acknowledged the existence of this small fold of skin before, but here it is a big enough deal that it is a common plastic surgery and there are a crap-ton of cosmetic tools you can use to create it.  Check out the video below to see a wide variety of beauty supply fixes.

I suppose it's along the lines of the U.S. obsession with tatas that results in rampant implant surgeries and also *confession* the uber-padded bras that I have in my top dresser drawer.  Instead of eyelid tape and glue guides, we have YouTube tutorials on how to make boobalicious cleavage pop out of your shirt (it includes two bras, a safety pin, bronzer and socks).  Jenna Marbles, the gal in this video is hilarious...but is also crass and curses like a sailor.  You are warned.  Also, start the video at 6:30.  She talks about pretty much nothing until then.  Wow, the lengths to which we humans go to in order to look "hot."  Funny.  Or...sad??

Maybe it's human nature...we just will always want what we don't have.  The grass is always greener and all that jazz.  But fun stuff to think about on my first official day of vacation, nonetheless.  I will end this one with an oldie, but a goodie.  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  Nothing could be truer.  Everyone is beautiful to someone.  And you, my friends, are beautiful to me.

Go peacefully and have a warm-and-fuzzy today.

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